The Hardest Part of Being an Entrepreneur

Kevin Willett says that setting small daily goals helps to stay on track

The hardest part of being an entrepreneur is the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want. You need to remember that with freedom comes responsibility. You need to be disciplined to be successful.

Let me recap a few conversations I had recently. I met with a new entrepreneur and he told me that he is struggling because he isn’t disciplined enough to get up every day and work on his business. He told me he often wastes time on social media and watching Netflix. So, we spoke about developing a list of three goals he wants to accomplish each day. This has helped him build a routine into his life. I find that routines really help me stay focused.

I met with another person who told me that two months ago he had his best business month ever and then last month he had his worse month ever. I asked him what changed why did that happen? He smiled and said the answer was simple, he got lazy and did not stick to his business plan.

Sticking to a plan can be a challenge. Today is one of the days that I go to the gym. This morning I really wanted to skip it because I did not feel like going, but I do my best to not miss my gym days simply because working out helps me focus and makes me a better entrepreneur.

Most of us know what we need to do every day to be successful. The key is developing routines to stay on track. I try to do the same things at the same time each day. Am I always successful? No, of course not, some days I stop and take a nap or watch some tv, but I know that I will need to work harder later to make up for it.

If you are struggling in this area, consider getting an accountability partner to help you stay on track. Scheduling daily calls should help you reach your goals.

Watch my YouTube Channel  for more on this and other Business Networking Tips

Kevin Willett is the Author of One Connection How you can grow your business  (and change the world) one connection at a time. The business networking book is available on Amazon. Purchase One Connection on Amazon

Kevin is also the CEO of the Friends of Kevin Networking Group  and the New England B2B Networking Group. Please connect with him on social media to hear about his upcoming business networking events

Back To School And Back To Work

Kevin Willett says vacations are nice, but you may need help getting back in the groove after

I saw a friend last week that I hadn’t seen in a while. When he saw me, he smiled and said; I have taken the whole summer off from networking for my business and I am struggling to get reestablished. I smiled back and said that this issue is super common and that I have seen it repeatedly. The key is to get back to work as soon as you can, because if you don’t, it will soon be Thanksgiving and then you will tell yourself that you might as well wait until the new year to start. But of course, then it will be cold and snowy so you might as well wait for spring and the next thing you know you have let a year go by.

If you watch my videos, you know that I am a big believer in balance. I am always talking about finding balance in your life, which is a lot harder than it seems. In my friends’ case he decided that he wanted to spend the summer making memories with his children.

Please reach out to me if you are struggling with restarting your business and your networking efforts after taking the Summer off so that I can help you get reestablished. I have some simple advice to help get you going again.

Watch my YouTube Channel  for more on this and other Business Networking Tips

Kevin Willett is the Author of One Connection How you can grow your business  (and change the world) one connection at a time. The business networking book is available on Amazon. Purchase One Connection on Amazon

Kevin is also the CEO of the Friends of Kevin Networking Group  and the New England B2B Networking Group. Please connect with him on social media to hear about his upcoming business networking events

Who Are You?

Kevin Willett says that doing your due diligence goes a long way to avoiding awkward meetings

Just a reminder to check your calendar, before heading out the door, to see who it is that you are meeting. A few weeks ago, I forgot to do this, and it put me in an awkward position. I arrived at the meeting place and when I got out of my car the person was standing there and greeted me with a big hello and how happy they were to see me. I had no idea what their name was! I really didn’t want to say I am sorry I don’t remember your name, because that would be insulting. So, I sat through most of the meeting trying to remember and then he asked me if I could introduce him to someone. At that point in time I said sure, let me just make a note in my phone so that I won’t forget, which gave me a chance to check my calendar. I think it is important to avoid this situation by reviewing your calendar and viewing the persons social media accounts, so that you know their name and what they do for a living, before heading out the door. Please do not assume you will have time to do this when you arrive.  Now you might think how did you forget their name? Surprisingly, it is very easy for this to happen because I meet a lot of people online, and often schedule back to back meetings, so it’s easy to get confused. If you plan ahead and research the people you are meeting you can avoid this situation.

Watch my YouTube Channel  for more on this and other Business Networking Tips

Kevin Willett is the Author of One Connection How you can grow your business  (and change the world) one connection at a time. The business networking book is available on Amazon. Purchase One Connection on Amazon

Kevin is also the CEO of the Friends of Kevin Networking Group  and the New England B2B Networking Group. Please connect with him on social media to hear about his upcoming business networking events

What Should I Talk About?

Kevin Willett says not to be intimidated by social media, post to make connections

One of the common reasons my friends do not post on social media is because they do not know what they should talk about.

For me I talk about three topics: How bad I eat, networking advice and my family. What I have found is that each one of these topics allows me to connect with a different group of my followers. When I talk about eating cookies and pizza, people will suggest new places to try or ask me if I want to meet up for pizza. When I talk about my family, my friends comment on how many nieces and nephews I have and how they are always my favorite on their birthdays. When I share networking tips, I am growing my influence with my business friends. As you can see each topic has some overlap but also helps me connect with a different segment of my followers.

I try to use my social media accounts to show my personality and to come across as a real person.

I personally try to stay away from anything that can be controversial. I just do not feel a need to upset potential clients. I am always reminding my friends that yes; they do have a right to their opinions and people have a right to be offended by your opinions and not do business with you. I think each person must make that decision for themselves.

Watch my YouTube Channel  for more on this and other Business Networking Tips

Kevin Willett is the Author of One Connection How you can grow your business  (and change the world) one connection at a time. The business networking book is available on Amazon. Purchase One Connection on Amazon

Kevin is also the CEO of the Friends of Kevin Networking Group  and the New England B2B Networking Group. Please connect with him on social media to hear about his upcoming business networking events